Family Photography in Poole and Bournemouth | At-home Family Photoshoot
Family photoshoot at home in Poole, Dorset
I’m a portrait photographer. That’s where my heart is. People are endlessly fascinating and we’re hard-wired to be interested in engaging with each other. Portraits tend to be considered as single images that tell a story of a person. So when someone asks me to come and spend a few hours with their family and capture some moments in their family life, I’m happy.
I get to make dozens of little portraits of them, at home (in their natural habitat) and put them all together to make a bigger picture. Maybe not ‘The’ big picture, but a bigger picture, nonetheless.
These guys trusted me do that and I’m grateful to them for it. So much love and kindness and curiosity and fun in this family.
Thank you Mischa, Pierre, Leo & River.
‘Pierre and I have just gone through the photos together and we are in love!
It's impossible to choose a favourite one as we have so many. They are absolutely gorgeous. You really captured the boys personality and that one of Leo on the rope swing is just phenomenal. I love it so much.. maybe it's my favourite.
Also, same time next year? If we can, we will try do this every year while the boys are still happy to be in photos with their parents! Such beautiful memories...’